martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Welcoming New Students

THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the Non-Governmental Organization Chimbote Oportunidades Ilimitadas CHOI (Chimbote Unlimited Opportunities) Mr. Orlando Bermúdez and the director of one of its programs called Dollars For Scholarships and Leaders For Tomorrow Mr. Rafael Armas, together with other officers of the NGO CHOI and volunteers, welcomed 40 new studients as beneficiaries of the program in this year 2010. As you must know, each year this program is in charge of recruiting new young people, living in very poor villages surrounding Fr. Jack Davis' parish, who desire to keep higher studies after having completed high school. Recruitment process started last year in November so it was necesary to let young people knew about this programs through several ways.

During that time students had to apply for scholarships and meet very basic requeriments according to the rules and regulations of the program. Until last year the program could only benefit or support 20 students with scholarships but this year 2010 the number of scholarship recipients has risen up to a rate of 200% which means the program will support 60 students in total this year. These new recipients previously had to approve an admission test which was taken in the institute or university that they have chosen to study their career.

So, from now on they all will receive financial aid from the program during their entire professional training. Those students who did not approve the test unfortunately neither could be scholarship recipients. Out of all those who approved the test, trying to get a scholarship, were only chosen, by the educational program of CHOI, 40 students according to their strict order of merit. The budget allowed to admit that number of students.

Most of students that approved the admission test and consequently got a scholarship, have studied and prepared academically in the Pre-University Academy Perpetuo Socorro (Perpetual help) which is also another program of CHOI and whose director is Ms. Estefanía Moreno. So, it was a good time to welcome these new students who will get a professional career because of their personal effort and support of the program. Current recipients also attended the welcoming ceremony. I just wanna say to them: You students can make it.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Goals of the Housing Project

From my anterior post you have learnt about the formal start of the Concret Blocks and Papercrete Panels project, promoted by CHOI. Now, I will share on its goals. The MAIN GOAL of the project is to allow that Chimbote residents have access to these low-priced construction materials as permanent employement is generated for many neighbors. In other words the project depends on demand which is counted on and also on respective broadcast about benefits of these materials. When using them would be achieved to minimize several negative aspects that exists when it is built houses without using concrete blocks as floor and papercret as walls. The project will also improve the conditions of life of the poor people of Chimbote in both security and beautification of their houses.

Here is some benefits that the project will generate:

  • Employment for residents of Chimbote
  • Low-priced construction materials compared to market prices
  • Easy transportation and handling
  • Reduction of diseases caused by dust and cold
  • They are are nonflammable materials
  • It is worked with these materials in dry and clean
  • Easy installation with no expenses of skilled labor
  • Earthquakeproof, heatproof, noiseproof materials
  • Non-putrescible materials
  • Damaged blocks are changed independently
  • People with higher self-steem
  • Total cleannes of paper and cardboard from houses and city
  • Incomes by selling raw material (paper and cardboard)
  • Awareness of population on environmental conservation
  • Improvement of housing for possible rain.

The person who is in charge of the technical part of the project is the engineer Pablo Muguerza Toro and as it is known Mr. Orlando Bermúdez García (executive director of the non-profit organization CHOI), is in charge of the administrative part of the project. So, continuing with its running the Eng. Pablo Muguerza and his team were making new prototypes of concrete blocks and papercrete panels considering new and better technical specifications in their making. Then, samples of concrete and papercrete will be taken to a laboratory of a local university in order to test their quality and resistance.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Home Improvement Program H.I.P

CURRENT CITIES GO THROUGH DIFFERENT STAGES OF GROWTH. Evolution of each of them corresponds to the constant and hard work of its residents in time. Different actors get involved through all this process who assume important roles and systematicly become part of the living history of a city. Here in Chimbote-Perú one of those social groups is the Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Parish (Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish) whose priest is Fr. Jack Davis who, due to his love for the poorest people of Chimbote and through his great efforts ro serve them conveniently, together with Sr. Peggy Byrne, founded a Non-Profit Organization called Los Amigos del Padre Juan (The Father Jack's Friends) that for many years, has given and keeps giving support in differents areas to the poor residents of Chimbote. This way it is doing its best to help them live with dignity and hope.

Presently, it continues to try to generate more benefits for community since there are many American people involved with its goals in several ways even as: Members of the board of directors, donors, benefactors, volunteers, etc. On the other hand and in tune to this noble purpose, the non-profit organization Chimbote Oportunidades Ilimitadas CHOI (Chimbote Unlimited Opportunities), an organization under Los Amigos's tutelage, is working on a newfangled, main and affordable housing project called "MAKING OF CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR FLOORS AND CEMENT-PAPER PANELS (PAPERCRETE) FOR WALLS" which is part of CHOI's affordable housing program "Home Improvement Program H.I.P: Better House Better Life", with which is expected to generate a number of advantages and to achieve socio-economic development of a large segment of the population of Chimbote.

LOCATION: Concrete Blocks and Papercrete Panels Project is located in PERÚ country, ANCASH department, DEL SANTA province, CHIMBOTE district, LA VICTORIA neighbothood (where Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish is located) and those surrounding it. This project represents an insight that will have many beneficiaries, will improve the quality of life and will contribute to development of our poor communities.

This main project includes the first two initiatives: Concrete Blocks and Papercrete Panels, that were the foundation for this project and on which I shared previously with you all through these posts: Concrete Blocks (activity 1, activity 2) and Papercrete Panels (activity 1); also, intends to improve all activities anteriorly made in their different aspects.

Click HERE to learn about the goals of the project of the HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM H.I.P

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


LEADERS OF CHIMBOTE ROTARY CLUB CONSIDERED WORTHY OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the good work that Los Amigos Medical Aid - LAMA association from Minnesota-USA made in performing a new medical campaign for free this year headed to the poorest people living surrounding fr. Jack Davis' parish. So after Chimbote 2010 Medical Mission was over some of its members attended to the recognition ceremony which took place at the headquarters of Chimbote Rotary Club located at 131 Francisco Bolognesi Avenue, Chimbote. First of all thanks to God for predisposing the hearts of the medical mission members and for allowing this campaign was performed.

Also thanks to Mrs. Dorothy Brama - director of LAMA - whose work is to recruit people and organize each medical mission and thanks to her husband Mr. Tony Brama too. Unfortunately they could not attend the ceremony but the following members of the medical mission were there: Mr. Tony McDonald (ophthalmologist, member of Minnesota Rotary Club); Mr. Steve Aaker (odontologist); Ms. Wendy Simard (Canadian volunteer.) Officers of Chimbote Rotary Club recognized the noble work that LAMA team performs on behalf of the impoverish population of Chimbote to help them get their physical health.

They said that were very pleased to be able to help improve the quality of life of the poorest by bringing medical care to them and those who needed it. They also shared that are willing to continue to help this way people of Chimbote because there are so many people in need of receiving medical care and the need is not only in this area but other as well. This way, they got to know a little more about main needs of residents of Chimbote.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.