lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Affordable Housing Project - 6

SINCE THE PERIMETER of the Morán Ballesteros family's house was finished (according to the information I shared with you through my anterior post); now, by this new post, I would like to share about activities that took place in the sixth day of execution of the Affordable and Safe Housing Pilot Plan which is part of the CHOI's Housing Project. This new working day involved the start of the making of the interior walls for the kitchen and a bedroom. It was used 4 mm superboard panels (drywall) and wood tables to form the walls. These panels, as well as wood tables, were provided by CHOI.

The walls of the kitchen and that bedroom will allow to form, at the same time, the living room and dining room. There will be a corridor between the kitchen and that bedroom leading to the back of the house. Meanwhile, more green concrete blocks were set up on the ground to keep expanding the floor.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

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