martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Affordable Housing Project - 8

Making the roof of the house demo
CONSIDERING my last updates you must know, at this point, that I have been sharing with you about the Affordable and Safe Housing Demo being built - under CHOI's auspice - for the benefit of the Morán Ballesteros family; one of many living in extreme poverty here in Chimbote-Perú. From my anterior post you have learnt that walls of the kitchen and a bedroom were finished. By this new post you will know that workers started to make the roof of a part the house. This activity first began by making wooden structures that will uphold Eternit panels that will form the roof of the living room, dining room, kitchen, corridor and a bedroom of the house.

This way and progressively the Affordable and Safe Housing Demo continues to run. Workers, under direction of Eng. Pablo Muguerza, work the entire day to finish this pilot plan as soon as possible. This house, that is being built with affordable and safe materials, wakes up people's interest stopping by at the place since they have not seen this kind of house before in the area.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

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